速報 Axie InfinityのRoninチェーンが6億2千万ドルのハッキング被害
事件概要 EthereumサイドチェーンでGameFi最大手Axie Infinityで大規模ハッキング事件が発生しました.盗難規模は6億2千万ドルに及びます. https://roninblockchain.substack.com/p/community-alert-ronin-validators?s=w 以下は運営側の発表です. 原文: Key Points The Ronin bridge has been exploited for 173,600 Ethereum and 25.5M USDC. The Ronin bridge and Katana Dex have been halted. We are working with law enforcement officials, forensic cryptographers, and our investors to make sure all funds are recovered or reimbursed. All of the AXS, RON, and SLP on Ronin are safe right now. There has been a security breach on the Ronin Network. Earlier today, we discovered that on March 23rd, Sky Mavis’s Ronin validator nodes and Axie DAO validator nodes were compromised resulting in 173,600 Ethereum and 25.5M USDC drained from the Ronin bridge in two transactions (1 and 2). The attacker used hacked private keys in order to forge fake withdrawals. We discovered the attack this morning after a report from a user being unable to withdraw 5k ETH from...